

NYC Personal Trainer

image by Yvonne Kao

Below is a video about a Violinst who took his talents ($100 a ticket to see) to the subway for FREE…who stopped to appreciate his talents?

I think this is such an amazing story, I know it’s been past around and has been redundantly written about but it does however make you contemplate on how we are always in a rush. Without making this into a life/morale post, let’s bring it back to fitness.

It’s clear after the fact, that Joshua Bell is extremely talented but without his platform or fans, no one stops to recognize how amazing his talents are. I’d hope that I would recognize talent and stop to enjoy it…I think I would. Anyways, this is very similar to the ftiness field, more trainers and coaches are fascinated with the lime light, marketing, publicity etc… versus great coaching.

Fitness Is Backwards

If X Guru Coach said to stop benching I’d bet we’ll see a huge influx of people stopping because of X Guru. However if unheard of coach says to stop benching because of XYZ most trainers/coaches wouldn’t care because it’s not in the media and supported all over the internet.

Now I’m not saying to go against the grain all the time or to follow the heard, what I am saying is to realize that just because the Coach is not in the “inner circle” of fitness doesn’t mean he/she isn’t qualified. I see far too many so called Coaches/Personal trainers getting more respect over guys that are actually COACHING! These guys need to stop following the herd of shit and see through marketing schemes.

Coach or Lecturer/Author?

There are so many great coaches that aren’t on the “lecture circuit” such as Luke Richesson, Chris Carlisle, Jerry Simmons, Bennie Wylie, Jim Whitten, Brian Jones,  Adam Rotchstein, and many more.  All these guys are in the trenches and COACHING, while I have no issue with getting yourself out there, more power to you, I do take issue when young so called personal trainers or Coaches don’t give these guys respect.  With all that said there are great coaches such as Coach Boyle who are crushing it on both ends.

The point of this rant is to realize that just like the supplement industry, the training/coaching field is full of false marketing, so don’t get caught up in the hype and glamor and maybe stop to see talent through your own eyes.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion


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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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