The Art of Speed


NYC Personal Trainer

Photo by ljguitar

Speed development is VERY tricky, as it depends on the athlete’s needs. But let’s say the sports performance coach finds that the athlete has developed strong elasticity, general strength, speed-strength, and specific strength. This will tell the personal trainer or sports performance coach that the athlete has all the qualities they need to be fast, right? It will seem that way but if the athlete doesn’t know how to position themselves correctly it means nothing.

Art of Speed

To be fast, it’s not just about having a strong engine but about the angle mechanics. Let’s take for example a sprinter coming out of the blocks.

So fast!

Another vid:

This athlete has a pretty good start. You can see that he is constantly pushing back and getting full extension of the back leg.

If the sprinter were to land with a flat foot or shorten his/her stride length this will clearly slow down the whole process. To keep this short and to the point, despite having a clearly powerful body, you also need to position the athlete for success. Without this, it’ll be like having a ferrari but not know how to drive a stick?

This alone is why it is so VERY important to have a knowledgable performance training coach or personal trainer. Having the eye and history of Coaching sprint mechanics will help the athlete excel very quickly and not waste precious training time that is dwindling down for an athlete.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained

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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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