Sports Performance Training Fallacies P2


In our first posting on “Sports Performance Training Fallacies” we discussed how, what worked for one will NOT always work for another. Programming for an athlete is all subjective to the athletes strengths, weakness, past history, and development. To add to this we need to understand translation of skills to their specific sport and position.

For most Sports Performance Coaches, we agree that strength is a limiting factor for many young athletes. While this maybe true for a majority of the population it doesn’t necessarily mean that there will be a great translation to their given sport. Take a center fielder, if the athlete had improved significantly on his squat does that mean that he’ll move faster? Not necessarily, this is especially true if the athlete didn’t know how to run efficiently in the first place. If the sports performance coach or personal trainer spent the whole off-season conditioning and strengthening the athlete but failed to work on sprint mechanics, there may not be a high translation.

Understanding what the athlete needs and what will best translate to his/her given sport is imperative for the athlete. Off-season training is very short and it’s crucial to work in the most effective manner possible for your given sport, position, strength, and weaknesses. It’s unfortunate that many athletes and personal trainers do not comprehend that killing yourself on the field or weight room till you’re about to puke does not correlate to performance gaines for the in-season. This is another reason why it’s VERY important to have a sports performance coach or personal trainer that has a strong back ground in training athlete. With sports performance training its not just about strength, elastic strength, power but translation of sport skills. Once the Coach, personal trainer, and/or athlete accepts this mentality they will train efficiently, decrease risk of injury, and most of all high translation to their SPORT!

“Anyone can make you sweat, not everyone can get you results!”

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained


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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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