NYC Personal Trainer Diet 101


NYC Personal training

NYC personal trainers and sports performance coaches need to deal with the challenge of getting results. AND as we all know results isn’t just made in the weight room but in the kitchen too. Sooo the young personal trainer gets all ambitious and creates this detailed block periodization program and a meticulous calorie and carb cycling diet that optimizes the workout perfectly.

“NOT so fast my friend” as the famous Lee Corso would say.

Many young personal trainers and sports performance coaches are so eager to get results quickly, all they look at is the program and fail to focus on the client. For instance, if you had a client that is used to taking in a donut and coffee in the morning and than not eating all day until dinner time, which may consist of a slice of pizza on the way home and a chinese food seamless order…weeeell you’re in some trouble. The likelihood of compliance is very minimal!

You Have to Meet Them Where THEY Are

While it’s great a dandy that you put in the time to create this amazing diet and workout program. Unfortunately it means jack shit if the client won’t comply. The client or athlete came to you for results and generally they are focused on a quick fix, which can be EXTREMELY frustrating…BUT it’s up to you, as the professional personal trainer, to guide them to a successful path. This means to develop a game plan that fits their individual lifestyle.

Taking the example from above, we could maintain the clients morning routine and now implement eating whole foods for lunch and picking up something healthier other than a pizza for a ‘pre-dinner’ snack. Taking small measure to a successful healthy eating lifestyle will pay dividends in the end. While initially this method may take sometime, understand that you’re setting the foundation for a strong diet that will pick up momentum.

I find this to be very fitting: 

“Habits start like twigs that are easily broken. But throughout time, they become steel rods” Frosty Westering


Develop habits and over time and your consistent efforts WILL pay off!

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained

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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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