NYC Personal Trainer Advice P2: “Seminars”


Sports Performance Training NYC

Photo by Perform Better

Here’s the 2nd part on our series about my advice to other personal trainers. While this is all just my opinion, there are of course many different avenues to success. If you’ve found yours great, but if you haven’t take a read and develop a game plan for your personal training or sports performance training career path.

Personal Training Seminars

I strongly believe that training seminars are invaluable and you should try to go to as many as you can. BUT with that said traveling to seminars costs $$$ and time….and for most of us, time is money! So you need to choose wisely and ensure that whatever seminar you’re going to, will inevitable help your personal training clients and/or training business (depending on your current need).


As the fitness field is always evolving there are more and more personal trainers and performance coaches jumping in the lecture circuit. While this is a good…to a point…it can also lead to unqualified trainers/coaches presenting. When looking for a seminar I would suggest that you go to those that have a proven track record within the field. Those such as:

  • Martin Rooney
  • Vern Gambetta
  • Lee Taft
  • Mark Verstagen
  • Mike Boyle
  • Dr. Yessis
  • Cal Deitz
  • Nick Winkelman

And many others.

On the bigger scale, you should look out for the Perform Better Seminars and/or look follow these guys via social media or blogs etc… to find out when they’ll be next presenting.

Seminar Experience

Just to be clear that a weekend seminar does not give you the equivalency of working with an experienced coach. It’ll help give you insight or some extra tools for your belt BUT by no means makes you a professional on X topic. I’ve found WAY too many young trainers going to a weekend seminar in X course and suddenly think they are a professional in that subject matter. Let’s pop that ego back down and realize that a few hours with a high level coach or trainer doesn’t you give their knowledge and experience.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained




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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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