Merry Christmas!


It's a wonderful life

I hope everyone is taking a little time off from work, training, or whatever is going on in your life to spend time with your loved ones. Don’t take time for granted, tomorrow is not guaranteed, so seriously take a few moments to spend time with your loved ones- take the silly pictures, wear the ugly ass sweater your aunt gave you, and be grateful for the horrible presents you may get 🙂 because it comes from those that care about you! And as Clarence said:

“Remember no man is a failure who has friends!”

On to Training

Personal Trainer

Enough with the sappy stuff. Let’s get on with fitness and personal training advice! Most gyms in NC are closed so I turned this into a recovery day, you could do some calisthenic work and sprints but because I have training (olympic lifts and squats) tomorrow I can’t take the risk of beating up legs and knees (i’m an old man now…)

Today’s Recovery Workout-

Did some basic stretches this morning and then got in some light jogging and walking chasing the pups around at the dog park. In a bit I’ll do some more focused fascial manipulation and stretching- most will hit the upper back things like this:

and this – both from Kelly Starrett of Mobility WOD:

If you don’t have a hard training day tomorrow you can do this calisthenic workout:

  • Hill Sprint 20 yards – 1st: 75% speed 2nd: 85% 3-6: 95%
  • Hill Walking Lunges 20 yards (going up) – jog down
  • Push Ups x10-15
  • Pull Ups x10-15
  • Leg Lifts x15
  • Pike Sit ups x10

Repeat x5+ rounds. Rest time 45-60sec or use heart rate to determine recovery.

* Do this workout at your own risk. Any exercise program carries with it some risk and we are not responsible for injuries sustained from this one. You should consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

Holiday Nutrition

NYC Personal Trainer

This is a tough call but for most of my personal training clients, I advised that they really tightened up the diet before Christmas day and then enjoy the big Christmas meal. The needs and goals of a personal training client will change the advice, but generally speaking I would suggest to get in a good workout before the Christmas lunch or dinner and then try to stick to relatively “clean” meals. Things like eating a snickers bar after eating stuffing, turkey, pie etc.. may not really be worth it- you can get a snickers bar anywhere. In the end, do what you need to do to enjoy your time with your friends and family and get back on it tomorrow :).

Merry Christmas Fitness Fam!

*Don’t forget to download our fusion trained blog app from the google play store HERE

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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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