Citi Bike


NYC Personal Training

Photo by Inhabitat

Being a personal trainer in NYC has me travelling all around Manhattan from client to client. It’s great because we get to experience what all the neighborhoods have to offer, from great coffee shops, food, gyms, etc… But getting from place to place can start to become a hassle, ESPECIALLY going cross town, pretty much every NYC personal trainers nightmare.

Citi Bike

In comes Citi Bike, they implanted a TON of bikes all over New York City. At first I was super skeptical but after looking at this map didn’t truly appreciate the amount of options Citi Bike gave us New Yorkers (very helpful for traveling personal trainers in NYC).

NYC Personal Trainer

Citi Bike Manhattan Map


Fusion Trainings Thoughts on Citi Bike

I’ve never ridden a bike in NYC but because the weather was so amazing and I had to trek from the the east village crosstown to the west village, I decided to give Citi Bike a try. To be honest, it initially was pretty intimidating, all substantial fears of getting run down by a crazy yellow cab driver…luckily I managed to avoid getting hit and focused on enjoying the bike ride crosstown.

The Bike

The Citi Bike itself is super heavy and has 3 gears. It’s a little awkward to ride and is clearly used for leisure riding, not so much weaving in and out of the craziness that is NYC. Being a personal trainer in Manhattan, I’m always on the move so I would’ve enjoyed a hybrid bike of some sort. The plus side for us in-home personal trainers in NYC is that we don’t have to worry about the bike, you can just drop it off at a dock and pick up another bike at a different dock once you’r done. This is SUPER convient for traveling trainers in case you have a short commute and than after a long commute or if it rains, snows, etc…

In the end an annual pass for a little over $100 is WELL worth the money. The convenience of not having to worry about finding a spot to drop off the bike and picking it back up at a specific location is well worth it, especially when it randomly rains.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained

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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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