Arnold Schwarzenegger: 6 Rules to Success


NYC Personal Trainer

I came across Schwarzenegger’s “6 Rules to Success” recently and it motivated me beyond belief! While I’m sure some people may have negative remarks to say about Arnold, he did rise to the top for a reason and we can all learn from his successes.

Arnold Schwarznegger’s 6 Rules to Success

  1. Trust Yourself
  2. Break Some Rules
  3. Don’t be afraid to FAIL
  4. Ignore the naysayers
  5. Work like HELL
  6. Give something back

One my favorite lines from his speech:

“It is important to have fun in life, of course, but when you’re out there partying, horsing around, someone out there at the same time is working hard, someone is getting smarter and someone is winning. Just remember that. But if you want to win, there is absolute no way around hard, hard work.”

WORK hard and Happy 4th of July!

Team Fusion Trained

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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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