3 BASIC Tips for the Personal Trainer Part 2



This is part two of BASIC tips for the personal trainer. It’s all pretty common sense stuff, unfortunately you see it getting broken everyday, if more trainers or performance coaches would just learn to work together…

Let Them Work In

Personal trainers need to learn to make adjustments on the fly, especially in NYC as we have privater personal training gyms or general membership gyms that have trainers too. Both gyms can potentially put a wrench on your program flow, this is why it’s important of everyone to work together. This means to allow others to work in, I can’t stand those trainers or even gym goers that bounce from area to area and expect everyone to work around them.

Get Out of the Way

It’s up to the personal trainer or sports performance coach to dictate the flow of the workout, from tempo of the session, to where people are standing.

I watched a personal trainer set up hurdles lined up toward the squat rack while my clients were squatting. Now to put this in perspective, NYC is clearly a small area, so the gyms aren’t spacious like the rest of the country, second why would you line up your client to jump straight toward another client? If the hurdling client trips, my client is in some trouble. The mere fact I had to ask the trainer to maybe set up in a different area is baffling…

The Count

This isn’t sesame street brother, I don’t need to hear you count down from 10 all the way down to 1. To avoid this you can count down from 5 or 3 or even just remind them “3 more!” instead of 10,9,8…


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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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