Mag-10 Protein Review


in-home personal training

I’ve been a bit bored with my supplements and since I’ve been off of protein I thought I’d try something new. For the past few months I’ve been

searching for a fruit flavored (not creamy tasting) protein shake that actually tastes good. I’ve tried the Unflavored Isopure Natural Whey Protein, while it was unflavored it still had a bit of a creamy consistency and didn’t mix well or at least took a LONG time to mix.

When I saw Jim Wendler give props to Mag-10 I thought I’d give it a shot, especially since Bio-Test has some great quality supplements and I haven’t really seen Jim give out bad advice. While it’s a bit pricey $75 for 2lbs or $57.50 for 2 or more, despite the cost I thought it was well worth a shot if it tastes good.

My Thoughts

First Mag-10 comes with two separate containers, one for the flavor juice and one for the protein powder. I found this to be a bit annoying since the flavor juice needs to be refrigerated, this does NOT work very  well with my daily routine. My alternative to this was getting “Mio” a concentrated flavoring juice that does not need to be refrigerated, although only lasts 30 days.

Taste: Mixed with either the mio or the original flavor bottle, they tasted pretty good considering it’s protein. Now I’m a sucker for sour things, so I decided to add in “Vitamin C Powder” and that really helped it taste to SO MUCH better. This mix was actually what I wanted to find in ALL powder substance but in the end I found a taste I liked.

Mix: Most of you that use protein powder know that nasty taste of a clumped protein in your drink. Surprisingly with Mag-10 you don’t have to worry about that at all! Even if you had a bit of moisture in your shaker, typically a death sentence for your shake, came out ok.

Protein Side Effects: Those that take protein shakes generally know what I’m about to talk about here. With most protein shakes you get some powerful ammo for a “Dutch Oven” battle with your loved one. Well Mag-10 will definitely make your oven into a furnace. Don’t need to say much more here…

Final Conclusion

I think this is a great protein powder, IF you don’t mind taking in some artificial ingredients, and having to deal with carrying around a second flavoring substance. I guess if it’s a hard workout you can use powdered gatorade to help deal with this, otherwise as I said above “Mio” works well. For me the mere fact that it mixes so easily is the biggest selling point.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion

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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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