The Bandaid Approach


Deal with Reoccurring Injuries At The ROOT of the Problem

When you have an injured shoulder, you’d think to address the shoulder. So you get a massage, roll it, stretch it etc…  and it starts to feel better. But it just keeps coming back. We’ve all been there, having to deal with nagging shoulder pain, back pain, or knee pain. We work them out, it feels good, we push it, and then boom, there it is again!

The problem is that you’re more than likely not addressing the root of the injury. You may feel the pain in a specific spot and deal with it directly, but that’s a bandaid approach. If you want to make an impact, look beyond the pain and go to the source. Sounds really confusing but trust me, it’s simpler than you think.  [Read more…]


Assessing Cristiano Ronaldo’s Sport Demands


This video of Cristiano Ronaldo being tested on his performance is amazing. Seriously any athlete, personal trainer, sports performance coach should take the time out to watch the 4 part series.

I chose this video because I believe it’s important for all coaches and trainers to understand that every athlete, especially the highly skilled, have a very specific skill set for their given sport.

The coach must look at the sports demands and the athletes needs then make an assessment on [Read more…]