Fusion Performance Training

Vega One Protein Review

NYC Personal Trainer

Vega Protein

Supplement protein powders are a great alternative to get in a little extra protein in your diet. The problem for me, and I assume most people, is that most of the protein powders create a bloat or digestion problems, especially whey protein. This could potentially cause irritation with your gut/intestines and limit the absorption of all the veggies, good fats, and protein you’ve worked so hard at eating! To think all that time avoiding carbs and eating ‘clean’ to find out that you’re not fully absorbing all the nutrients you could because food allergies, ahhh! This is a whole another post, regarding gut health etc… so lets’ get back to “Vega One Nutritional Shake

My Thoughts

This is one of the first plant based proteins I didn’t mind taking in. The only problem is that it’s SUPER thick, so make sure to put in plenty of water and consistently stir/shake it, otherwise it collects in the bottom.

One of the other reasons I decided to go with the Vega One is because of the other ingredients, which includes:

I’ve been looking to try some probiotics and uptake my greens so it not only gets my protein up but greens and gut health!

In terms of taste, it’s pretty ‘good’ compared to other protein powders. But if you’re not used to taking them in, you’ll probably be taking back a bit…As for bloating, I had NONE what so ever and felt completely fine throughout the day! This is great because you don’t want to be crop dusting your clients through a workout… With that said I’ve only been taking in one scoop a day, so if you’re a big protein junkie who knows what will happen…

Overall I think the protein is worth a shot, and I believe at GNC they are on sale right now…maybe trying to clear the shelf for more whey?

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained

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