Fusion Performance Training

The BEST Damn Hip Flexor Stretch

Fascial stretching is a great tool in stretching developed by Anne and Chris Fredericks from “Stretch to Win“. The premise behind fascial stretching is to relax the muscles by traction, this usually means you’ll need a partner to execute these movements. Clearly this will be tough to do with a team or a even a group of 5-10 clients.

The Answer

Dick Hartzell and Kelly Starrett have really changed the game when it comes to mobility using a band. If you do a quick google search you’ll see the type of impact they’ve made on the fitness industry. Ok, so getting to the point, Alex G. of Fusion Weightlifting has been doing this stretch for a while and I thought that many people could benefit from this simple yet EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE fascial stretch.

The Stretch


Tool Needed:

How To:

Tip To Increase Stretch:


This stretch can be utilized during your dynamic warm up, post workout, between your sets, or during your “Regeneration” days. However, if you do choose to stretch in between your sets, I’d lower the intensity of the stretch and duration.

Just everything else that’s good for ya, don’t overdo it! But in all seriousness, if you’re healthy and want to increase mobility/flexibility you should be implementing this stretch!…. in moderation of course.

Stay strong!

Team Fusion


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