Fusion Performance Training

Why NYC is a HOT Spot for Trainers

First I have to say that NYC is THE BEST city in the world!


Ok with that out of the way, NYC is great for trainers and coaches because of the multiple spots to train your client and coach your athletes.

Depending on your business plan you can either choose one location or choose multiple locations to train from, we’ll discuss this another time.

Fusion Training happens to be all over the city from the upper west side to the east village, so we’re pretty much all around Manhattan training and coaching clients.

Training Locations

Let’s go over the various locations you can choose to train and coach from:

  • Outdoors: Whether if it’s the multiple parks we have or tracks, NYC has many locations to choose from, such as battery park, chelsea piers, central park, etc… there’s many outdoor choices to workout in and it’s free!
  • Private Personal Training Gyms: There’s a bunch of gyms to choose from, some are professional others are not, you’ll have to test them out for yourself and see what works best for you and your client. The point here is that there are MANY conveniently located gyms to choose from. This makes it very easy for a client to just walk a few blocks and meet you for a session. The costs of the training fee usually ranges anywhere from $15-40 a session, the more you workout of that one specific gym, the lower the cost will become, generally speaking.
  • Building Gyms: Now a days it’s all about convenience, how nice is to just take an elevator down to your gym and avoid the winters of NYC! Most buildings in Manhattan now have a gym inside, which makes it very convenient for the trainer and the client. The equipment varies but if you’re a good trainer or coach, you can make any space work :).
All 3 of these options are extremely cost effective for a personal trainer or performance coach to lower the over head cost of running a fitness company. The downfall is that New York City is NOT cheap, on the upside NYC as everything you can think of and you’ll meet amazing people here.

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