Fusion Performance Training

Training and Nutrition- The Holiday Edition

NYC Personal Trainer

Just because it’s the Holidays doesn’t mean you should go balls to the wall and eat everything in sight, BUT it also doesn’t mean you HAVE to stay away from your favorite meal or pastry. With that said, my typical rule is to say to yourself, “Is it worth it?”

For example, if you’re going home for the Holidays and decide to eat Taco Bell, was it worth it? Probably not, you can get Taco Bell anywhere. Now for me “Showmars” and “Cherry Blossom”  are the must hits when I go home…a nice 4 patty, slaw, and chili pita burger, Now THAT is worth it!

However, I do save these type of meals for after a workout and still try to eat relatively clean for the rest of my meals. As for sweet snacks, it’s the same rule, I’m not going to indulge on a snickers bar but I will get my sweet tooth fix on some green tea mochi filled with white chocolate…

While many may gasp, that a “Trainer” will say it’s okay to eat this stuff…let’s be real here, I’m being realistic. Unless you are specifically training for something competitive, you should be able to enjoy your time with your family and friends. Just plan accordingly and make sure that these are within moderation. Also keeping in mind that, once the Holidays are over, you’re back into it full gear!

Here are some basic rules to follow:

That’s it folks, hope that you all are enjoying your time with friends and family, and my apologies for the delay on the posts.

Happy Holidays!

Team Fusion

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