Fusion Performance Training

Just DO Something

Just DO Something

I read a post by Mark Manson regarding his “Do Something” principle to accomplish your goals. I whole heartily agree with this concept. In fact we’ve been using this same concept from day 1.  It’s nothing new, it’s been posted time and time again, yet it’s still not utilized nor popularized.

In fitness, marketing and media really favor extravagant methods to gain your attention. They’ll show spread sheets of their diet plan, fitness program, and so on. While it’s great to be fully prepared and have as much planned out as possible, for most people this is too time consuming or too advanced.

Simplicity is often overlooked because it’s not glamorous. It wont’ sell their next product or supplement, so of course they’ll push these crazy fads on you. The thing is, if you want to get fit you need to just start something, anything at all. Just getting off the couch to walk around outside, after you eat take a walk, “DO Something”.

All these, seemingly meaningless tasks are slow steps that promote your health and help you move closer and closer to your goals. Taking on tasks like laying out your day to day macros, meal prep, and program design for the month will more than likely be too big of step forward for most people. It’ll become such a big overwhelming task that you’re already feeling defeated.

However, doing the simple things first, making it a habit, then moving on to the next will more than likely set you up for success. While it may seemingly take more time, it’s shown to time and time again that small steps lead to consistent lasting results vs. short big bursts of motivation then tailing off.

Forget what XYZ affiliate promoting magazine or guru is stating you NEED to do and just start with small steps. In other words, stop going for the home run with each swing and focus on getting on base.

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Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained

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