Fusion Performance Training

High Rep Squats

There’s just something about high rep squats, they get the heart pumping, the legs fried, and your lungs burning. It’s a tortious lift to do but gives you a sense of accomplishment. High rep squat tests your pain threshold, determination, focus, and drive…it’s you against the bar to see who will win. So it’s a horrible tortious lift, why would you go through such torment?

The Benefits

It’s an excruciatingly tough lift but it’s also pretty fun to do. The positive outcomes from a high rep squat can help you build a STRONG foundation for strength and muscular hypertrophy. To top that it also helps build up your work capacity, don’t believe me? Try it with appreciable weights and you get back to me on that 🙂


When to program this is very subjective dependent on your cycle, needs, goals, and past workout history. Generally speaking, I typically add them in for a short cycle (3-4 weeks), as a drop down set.


Lifter will squat up to a 3 rep technical max, rest to full recovery and then go all out! In the beginning of the cycle the lifter will stay on the lighter side and progressively move up to a challenging 20 reps squat toward the final part of the cycle.

“Train hard, train smart” ~@FusionTrained

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