Fusion Performance Training

Commercial Gym Salesman Errr, I Mean Personal Trainers

Photo from Flikr- VictoriaFee

I’ve been pretty disappointed with the fitness field and it’s influx of unqualified sketchy Personal Trainers that are also Actor/Models/Dancers/ or insert anything else thats contract based…

We all know that fitness is unregulated so of course people will jump in, watch a few youtube videos, read a few articles, and BAM they believe they are a qualified personal trainer or performance Coach…clearly this is far from the truth. Unfortunately, I’ve found that the concentrated sector of obnoxious salesman-personal trainers seems to be in the commercial gyms.

Here are few stories I’ve seen & heard about these “Personal Trainers”


Gym Member: *Goes to the urinal.

Personal Trainer: *Goes to the adjacent urinal, *Turns head “Hey you need a personal trainer?”

Gym Members: “Maybe there’s a better time to talk about this?”

Story #2

Personal Trainer: “Hey I see you have all the ingredients to make a good Weightlifter, I’m like a chef I’ll make you into a great lifter”.

Weightlifter: “Do you have any experience Coaching the lifts?”

Personal Trainer: “No, but I’m a trainer I know fitness.”

Weightlifter: *Walks away.

My Thoughts

Now I’m not saying ALL commercial trainers are unqualified, there are some qualified trainers out there…BUT the problem isn’t necessarily the trainer but that these facilites are just focused on $$ and not the quality of training. A majority of the time it stems down from the general manager, who’s focused on hitting the months numbers. While money is important to keep the business running, I truly believe that if these gyms would focus on developing their trainers, in both sales (non pushy and ETHICAL) and fitness, that their revenue will significantly increase. Just my thoughts…

Team Fusion


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