Fusion Performance Training

Cluster Training | NYC Sports Performance Training

*this isn’t cluster training…thought you’d just enjoy a ridiculous push press by Klokov.

If you’re looking to put in volume and intensity in a relatively short period time, try using cluster training also known as rest pause training. A cluster set is generally a rep range around 1-5 reps completed, rest for 10-30sec, and than repeated until you’ve completed the allotted number of reps for the set. You’ll than rest 2+minutes and repeat again.

Benefits of Cluster Training

Cluster training allows the lifter to hit higher percentage weight with little fatigue. Think about it this way, if I asked you to do 85% of your max for 4×6 you’ll probably be moving the weight a bit slower and may not make it through your last set–depends if you’re good with volume but generally speaking. BUT if you were to do a cluster like this: 3×2(rest 15 sec per set) x5 rounds, you’ll probably be able to generate a lot more force and increase your total volume for the workout– 24 total reps vs. 30 total reps.

This example, also allows the lifter to increase total volume and most likely will help increase positioning awareness with heavier weights. Which is a GREAT benefit, as it also doesn’t tax the nervous system as much as constant maximal lifting.

Example Cluster Rep Schemes

(x1 90% 10-20sec rest)x5 rest for 2-5min x4 rounds

(x5 rep 80% rest 20sec sec x3 rep 85%)x3 rest 2-5 min x5 rounds

15 total reps with 80-85% done in the shortest time possible. *this you will not want to burn yourself out in the first set, it should take you x3+ rounds.

Poliquin also gives a great general loading parameter for relative strength– kind of like the prilipen pricinple–

Intensity: 85-100 percent
Repetitions: 1-5 RM (repetition maximum)
Sets per exercise: 5-12
Rest intervals: 240-300 seconds
Concentric tempo: 1-4 seconds
Eccentric tempo: 3-5 seconds
Total set duration: Under 20 seconds

*Article link HERE

Keep in mind that these are generally utilized for big lifts- Deadlift, squat, bench, pull ups, overhead press, powers, pull etc… BUT you can always be creative and play around with various superset style workouts.

Who’s it For

Don’t be afraid to play around with cluster training, it’s not just for athletes, Olympic weightlifters, powerlifters, etc… it’s also for the fitness enthusiasts and strength guys too. As a NYC personal trainer, I’ve utilized a modified cluster for many of my clients. Just make sure that you’re under the guidance of a qualified personal trainer or sports performance coach–if you’re Manhattan give me a call :). My advice would be to ensure that you’ve gone through a strong general strength phase and than you can start to slowly incorporate lower volume and/or intensity clusters. Play around with and have fun.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained

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