Fusion Performance Training

Paralysis by Analysis

I’ve mentioned how there is a TON of junk out on the internet and how the personal training field is littered with unqualified morons waiting for the next guru to tell them what to buy or preach etc…

With all these variables of $hit, it can become very overwhelming to the point where you’re spending hours and hours researching on how to develop the best program, the “5 day 20lbs muscle gain diet”, the “if you sleep 5 hours and put ice on your jewels you’ll gain 100 points on your T-Count”….there are so many random crazy methods that say they’ll help you obtain your goal out on the web that many people fail to do the basics!

My advice….STOP looking for the crazy short cut!

If I were to put a donut and an apple in front of you, which is the healthier choice?

Clearly the apple…

It’s just that simple, for now get the basics before you try to go into some crazy routine. You know more than you think you do, keep whatever your goal is SIMPLE.

When it comes to lifting weights and getting stronger it’s the same. I believe Shelby Starnes said it’s “90% fundamentals 10% tweaks” but yet too many people are focused on the tweaks.

The point of this post is to stop searching for the “Golden” method but to get to out and start doing the “Fundamentals”! Once you’ve accomplished that and have made it a consistent routine, than you can start to tweak here and there.


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