Fusion Performance Training

Drinking Your Calories?


Sports Performance Training NYC

Photo by Vox EFX

As personal trainers, especially in NYC, we need to keep informing clients that if you want to fight off bad weight, DON’T drink your calories. We all know that soda is bad for you, even diet soda isn’t the best for you with all the artificial ingredients and the extra carbonation that’ll bloat you up. Our own Mayor Bloomberg is against soda or sugary drinks. So….

“…What to do, what to do…”

If you’re like me and get bored drinking just water (although you should learn to enjoy water…) during dinner, you should try this “Ice Green Tea” recipe I found VERY useful. It’s zero calories, sugar free, no artificial ingredients, packed full of anti-oxidants, and damn good!

How To

Boil up some water and then pour it into a container like this:

 From there steep your green tea, add in some vitamin C=

And stevia for a sweetener =

Cool it over night and BAM, you got a great tasting, zero calories, bad ass drink for ya. I particularly like sour things so adding in the Vitamin C gives me that kick I want. And if you’re not familiar with stevia, click here.

That’s all for today. Stay strong,

Team Fusion

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