Fusion Performance Training

Ultimate Key to Your Diet Success

NYC Personal Trainer


Being a personal trainer in NYC and the summer right at our door steps, I’m often asked “what’s the perfect diet I should be on” or “how do get super lean ASAP?” Fortunately if you’re reading this you know that there is no replacement for hard work and consistency. Success takes time and little by little changes will come, just be patient (some gain quicker than others, it’s life deal with it!).

While hard work and consistency is often stated, I don’t often hear about this one SIMPLE method that can help you obtain your goals.

“Remove Temptation!”

This SIMPLE method is so easy it’s often over looked. Go to the grocery store and clearly the sweets are placed strategically for your viewing pleasure. So when you’re at home, make sure that you DON’T have any of the bad stuff laying around, otherwise you’ll be tempted.

I’m a keep it simple type of guy, while this isn’t flashy it does work. Bottom line, don’t over look the small stuff…like eat your veggies! 🙂

Train smart,

Team Fusion Trained


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