Fusion Performance Training

Treadmill Run Vs. Outdoor Run

Fall is here! And to us in NYC that means cold weather is coming in just a few short months. This is the time of year where I get a LOT of questions about indoor workouts, especially running on the treadmill vs. running outside.

Treadmill Running Vs. Outdoor Running

While they look the same to the untrained eye, they are far different. On the treadmill you’re just moving your legs with the tred versus running outdoors where you actually have to project your body forward.

*Note I am in no way condoning the running technique or body positioning.

With that said, this is an exaggerated example of a “Bound” or elongated run. As you can see, Hilary’s right leg is about to pull back, as her right foot makes contact with the ground (static) she’ll then fire her posterior muscles to keep running forward. In essence you’re working harder running outside as you have to project your body forward versus running on a treadmill where you’re simply moving your legs to the speed of the tred.

Now that we have the basic understanding that a treadmill run is not the same, let’s go over some of the benefits between the two.

Benefits of Running on The Treadmill:

Benefits of Running Outdoors:

So that’s it, hopefully this answers the question “What’s the difference between running outside versus a treadmill?” As usually if you have any questions feel free to leave them below.
Here’s a random video because ECU got crushed in the 2nd half and both my fantasy teams were demolished! If you guys had a rough sports weekend hopefully this will cheer you up:

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