Fusion Performance Training

The “I Know…” Guy

NYC Personal Trainer

With YouTube, internet articles, journals, videos, etc… we have a TON of information at our disposal. Pretty much anything you want to look up you can find on the internet from surgery to how to squat…now that doesn’t mean it’s all correct.

I Know

Because of this the “I know” guys have become more and more wide spread. These are the guys that come to you for various reason, let’s take for example a client that wants to lean up. After talking to this client you assess that he needs to cut down the carbs, his response “I know this already”,  in my head I’m thinking “well if you know this already why aren’t you following it???”

Let’s take the “Big Squat Guy”, these guys find all these various routines, flip flop between the 5,3,1 to german volume to some other method thats being marketing like crazy or even try to fuse together a little bit of everything and see shit results. They’ll come for your expertise, and what do you tell them…big surprise here: “Stay consistent with ONE program!” There response: “I know this…but *fill int he blank bull shit excuse…”

You Think You Know But You Have NO Idea

I guess my point here is that just because you’ve read and THINK you understand the concepts for programming of strength, nutrition, mobility etc… doesn’t actually mean you know how to implement it nor does it mean that you FULLY understand the concepts.

Let’s take my “Push Press” article as an example… I wrote a step by step break down on how to execute the push press (article is here) from hand positioning to the dip and drive phase, so it’s pretty detailed to say the least. But what if someone that has HORRIBLE scapular instability tries to do this movement and injures himself. At this point this person maybe stupid enough to say, “The Push Press is a dangerous exercise and people should stay away from it”. Yet it’s a completely safe exercise, however it wasn’t for this particular person because he didn’t develop the correct requisite stability to SAFELY execute this movement. If he would’ve understood the simple concepts of stability and physical preparation, this probably would not have happened. But because he’s read X article and talked to X trainer/Coach he knows all there is to know, yet will answer back with:

Train smart,

Team Fusion

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