Fusion Performance Training

Stick to the Path

NYC Personal Trainer

Photo by Vicky TGAW

Being a personal trainer in NYC, I’ve dealt with many types of clients from weight-loss, weight gain, performance training, analytical, neurotic, etc… So to say the least I’ve been shot with many types of questions through out their process of achieving their goals. And you want to know what the commonality between successfully obtaining your goals, whether it be weight loss, athletic performance, gaining lean muscle mass is?

You guessed it…sticking to ONE path.

Now before you get your panties in a bunch, this doesn’t mean that we don’t make adjustments, a qualified personal trainer will make adjustments accordingly, this means that you stick to the roots of your path however you decide. Too many people research X, Y, and Z, then start getting bogged down in all the little details, it’s “Paralysis by Analysis”. Figure out your path and stick to your guns.

For instance, if you’re on a zero carb diet plan with 2 refeeds a week, stick to the main objective, which is to lower down the carbs. Hammer that down first before you start to focus on what whether fruit is a carb source or what not. Don’t get me wrong the details do matter but if you start alternating things around too soon and too often, you won’t know what actually worked and didn’t. IF you stayed COMMITTED to your goal plan for a few weeks and then strategically creating a change of plans, with the consult of your NYC personal trainer or performance coach *cough… me*, you’d then be ok to slightly veer off. The grey line is when you start alternating things weekly, daily, etc…

Bottom line, create a plan and give it time to execute…consistency and patience!

Train smart,

Team Fusion Trained

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