Fusion Performance Training

Squat Challenge?

Squat Workout NYC

Squats are the new fad in the fitness industry, BUT unlike other fads, squats are here to stay! It’s been around for a long time and for many it can be very beneficial. With that said, A squat is not just a squat. There are many variations from:

Out of the many squat variations, you also have to take into consideration limitations – such as mobility, flexibility & contraindications. Some people may not be able to squat all the way down (“Ass to Grass”) or even squat at all. If you have back or knee pain during the squat, you may need either progress up to it or cut the squat out all together.

Here’s the problem I have…

As with any fitness fad, many NYC personal trainers and fitness enthusiasts abuse the hell out of it or completely misunderstands the application.

Squat Challenge

I’m sure you’ve seen this posted on instagram, facebook, G+, etc… while it’s great to get people moving and active, it’s also reinforcing the fact that if you do little work,  you’ll get amazing results. I.E. Do this 30 day body weight squat challenge and BOOM, best ass in the world???

I don’t get this at all…


Clearly this couldn’t be farther from the truth. To get those types of booties you actually have to lift appreciable weights and challenge yourself . With that said, is squats the ONLY way to get a booty?

Squats Only?

As stated earlier, squats may not be for everyone, so does that mean you’ll have a flat butt for the rest of your life? Of course not, exercises such as the deadlift, reverse lunges, hip bridges etc… are all great glute and lower body exercises. In fact the deadlift is a multifaceted movement, as it incorporates your upper back throughout the lift too. Don’t believe me, next time you’re at the gym, do:

And tell me that your hips and glutes weren’t working. 🙂

Final Thoughts

The point of this post is to discuss that:

“Train Hard, Train Smart” ~Fusion Trained 

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