Fusion Performance Training

Personal Trainer Education

personal training education

What’s up guys, got some goodies for your  personal training education today. The first post I believe everyone should read. Being a personal trainer in NYC, attempting to compete in Olympic weightlifting again- despite my many injuries, being a weightlifting coach, building a start up, and so much more, I get caught up with all the little BS crap…also doesn’t help that our weather here in New York City has been sucking ass! MOVING ON 🙂  The post by Luka Hocevar will really give you a nice kick in the ass back in to reality:

I Got 99 Problems But Getting My S@*t Together Ain’t One

Team Exos:


Team EXOS, is formerly Athletes Performance, if you’re not familiar you should start getting familiar with them. Mark Verstegen, the founder, is a genius. I was lucky to be able to hang out with Coach Verstegen and I was blown away by how humble he is but also his business and fitness knowledge. The guys is WAY ahead of his time and I’m 100% sure that you’ll learn a lot from the quality products he puts out.

“The .10 second difference”

If you work with athletes or want to work with athletes, specifically working on linear and on field sprint mechanics, then you need to buy this. Nick Winkelman, a great coach and teacher, goes through a step by step process of EXOS’ methods. As of now (3/20/14) this LINK will give you 30% off the entire purchase so hurry! And you get course credit:

Expect to Get:

Recovering Fitness Junkie

This next one is from Nate Green, I’m a big fan of this guy. He thinks outside the box and all his posts are so easy and fun to read. This specific post really hit home, since I spend countless hours in the gym to HOPEFULLY regain my strength I lost 4-5 years ago post-back injury. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let go like he did but I admire the fact that he was able to do so and is happier because of it.



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That’s it for today,

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained



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