Fusion Performance Training


In-home Personal Training

Photo from AngSocialMed

In the fitness fields it’s all too common to hear:

“Lose 30lbs in 1 month”


“Get 10lbs of muscle in one week from training hard and this X supplement”


We know this isn’t true, so why do so many people believe these false marketing campaigns? It’s clearly all hype and fluff with no validity to it, otherwise everyone in the gym would be extremely fit. Take this blue pill walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes, touch a 5lb weight, and BOOM, you’re fit:


photo by Arbyreed


If you’re patient and stick to a solid game plan, you should be well on your way. Regardless if you’re trying to gain size, strength or lose weight etc… the point is that it will take some time and determination. Some people will develop faster than others, this could be due to genetics and/or previous history in sports, fitness, dieting, etc…In either case, it takes time, so stick with it!

I wrote some post in the past that could help with compliance to your game plan:



In the end, YOUR success is up to you, a trainer or Coach can lead you but your success will be based on YOUR actions.

Brio has the patience to hold his biscuit on his nose, so I’m sure you can have the patience to hit the gym 3x a week and clean up that diet. 🙂


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