Fusion Performance Training

Online Training | Personal Trainer in NYC

Sports Performance Training NYC

Online personal training and nutrition coaching has been exploding over the last few years. It works great for both parties because of the ease and simplicity of it. But be warned, this is the fitness industry and there are a LOT of ‘tricks’ so called personal trainers or nutritional coaches pull.

My Experience

One of my buddies convinced me to try this year long online nutrition and workout program that is supposed to give you guidance every step of the way. It was a reliable company and I’ve used them for nutritional consults before, so I thought why not? I really liked their philosophy on nutrition, they seemed to have great results, and I would be working with the one of their top guys so I thought “F’ it I’m in!”

Without making this into a crazy long story, the end result:

So What Did I Learn?

Well clearly fitness has some great sales and marketing to pull at your strings. They’ll post great pics of the before and after and promise you all these great results. While the program I bought into is a very reliable nutrition company, they definitely sucked ass at exercise programming.

My Advice:

The best advice I can give is if your spidey sense goes off and the trainer isn’t accessible before and after, I wouldn’t waste your money.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained 


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