Fusion Performance Training

NYC Preparing for Sandy

Today (Sunday) was an interesting day, as we New Yorkers are anticipating what Hurricane Sandy has in-store for us. I see many people packed in the grocery stores, bodegas, hardware stores etc… looking for supplies and food.

They are preparing their food for the next few days in anticipation of a power outage. Yet I’m willing to bet these are the same people that are saying I have no time to make my food, prepare my food, or goto the grocery store…

While it’s an initial change or an initial inconvenience, preparing your own food can make a drastic change in your body composition and your wallet, especially in NYC!

Set yourself up for preparation success by:

Using your oven to roast food or slow cooker makes it even more convenient to prepare your meals too. I’ll post a few different meal ideas later this week that doesn’t take much preparation time and still allows you to have a hot meal at the end of a hard work day.

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