Fusion Performance Training

NYC Personal Trainer Must Have’s -“Stay Dry Edition”

NYC Sports Performance Training

Photo by Mad About Cows

Most personal trainers and/or sports performance coaches in NYC travel all around Manhattan. This is pretty typical for not only the fitness professionals but pretty much all New Yorkers.

New York City is Made for Walking!

This is great for us during the spring/summer time but without the right tools you can be in a bit of a predicament. For instance this week the forecast has been pretty much rain, rain, and more rain. No biggie for most, but if you’re running around the city, having soaking wet shoes, socks, shorts, and shirts is hell! You’ll start to stink and look like shit…not good. So make sure you have these simple tools to get you through those April showers:


Broken umbrellas = CHEAP!

I know you’re thinking an umbrella is an umbrella…mmm not so fast, for us NYC in-home personal trainers, we need efficient and compact equipment. The umbrella is no different, if you buy a cheap old umbrella it’s going to either break or never dry = no good. So make sure you avoid the mistake above and get an umbrella that’s “Wind-Proof” (like the one below). The “wind-proof” comes from the separation at the top, which allows the window gust to go through the umbrella instead of getting caught and busting it.



Change of Clothes

I know this is straight forward and SEEMS common sense, but common sense is NOT common practice. With that said, bring a change of clothes this means shorts, shirt, socks, tights etc… whatever you may need.

Personally my shorts and tights dry fast and wick sweat so I typically have a change of shirt and socks. Being dry and at the minimum having a dry socks is VERY important if you’re walking into someones house…not the best situation if you’re walking in dripping wet to your CLIENT’s house. Be smart and practice common sense 🙂


“West Coast Backpack”

I may look like a college kid carrying around a book bag but it’s the most efficient way for a in-home personal trainer in New York City. It’s pretty much our “purse”, I’ve come so accustomed to it that I almost feel lost without it…ha. but seriously it’s become quite sad…

For us trainers in NYC it’s all about minimalism with efficiency. For this reason I don’t like to change bags all that much…my bag is so bad ass (nerdy) that each compartment has it’s use: business cards, mini CPR bag, bands, etc.. and to switch the bag for various usage will be a pain in the butt. This is why it’s important to have an all purpose bag that can with stand rain, wear and tear from the subway, is comfortable, and compact.

What I’ve found pretty damn useful is the “West Coast Backpack” from Lulu Lemon. Hate on me all you want, but this bag is bad ass. It has a waterproof cover that’s built in the bottom, durable, water bottle pockets in AND outside of the bag (the “in” is key when your mouth piece is exposed, especially walking around the subway), wet compartment- to separate your nastiness from you clean stuff, and much MORE…

I got to give credit to Adrienne for showing me the light that is LuLu Lemon’s bag and there shirts…bring on the hate but they do it right.

Practice Common Sense and Prepare.

This INITIALLY maybe expensive but it’ll all be worth it to look professional, be professional, and most of all being PREPARED. If you’re a cost analysis guy, think about how many umbrellas you’ve broken? If you’re like me, how many bags you’ve torn through? Make the common sense decision my friend.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained


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