Fusion Performance Training

Lifestyle or FAD

NYC Personal Trainer

It’s that time of year again where EVERYONE is into fitness and creating long arduous goals that quite frankly will not be executed. It’s sad to say but let’s be honest here, did you complete 3/4 of your 2012 goal list? What about your 2011, 2010, 2009?….probably not.

Why is this?

It’s most likely because many are unrealistic about their goals and what it actually takes to obtain them or it was just too general, such as “lose weight”.

When you’re developing your 2013 fitness list, you should focus on habitual changes that will help develop your end goal. During the decision making process you need to be VERY realistic about what you’re trying to obtain. Gaining 15lbs of lean muscles mass in 3 months, when you currently do not consistent workout probably will be a stretch….

Developing healthy habits is a lifestyle change NOT a FAD, you slowly need to integrate them into your daily routines. This can include:

There are many ways to develop this but the point is to slowly integrate them and keep a record. Each week try to develop a habit that will help your end goal and make sure that the habit is something that you CAN accomplish. Once you’ve developed this simple habit make sure to keep a record, this will show what you truly did, you can track:

At the end of the week, see where your compliance rate is at, if it’s low, obviously you’ll need to troubleshoot and figure out WHY you’re not hitting 90% of the habit developed. Once you’ve consistently hit your weekly assigned habit (90% or more) you should develop a new habit that’ll continue you on your path…. THIS is what will help you accomplish your 2013 goal! Set yourself up for success with these simple methods.

Happy New Year!

Team Fusion



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