Fusion Performance Training

Jim Kelly Class Act


If you’re not familiar with who Jim Kelly is, he’s a NFL Hall of Fame quarterback who’s battling sinus cancer. While his NFL career was clearly amazing, I mean he’s a Hall of Famer, I believe his toughness, bravery, and character while battling cancer is what people will remember him most for.

Class Act

When I was a kid, I collected football and baseball cards. Jim Kelly’s rookie card was something that I eyed every break time and finally negotiated a trade from a classmate of mine.

Not understanding the mail system, I sent my Jim Kelly’s rookie card and a small scrap note stating that I was a big fan to the Buffalo Bills stadium. Looking back now, this was a VERY big gamble that he would even get the letter or that I’d even get it back, especially since my hand writing was terrible AND I didn’t add in a return postage…

However, a few weeks later I received a Buffalo Bills envelope and BAM! There was my card autographed, an autographed picture of  Jim Kelly, and a few Bills stickers. I remember distinctly opening it up and then immediately thinking how amazing of a guy he was to first autograph my card, second add in more cool stuff, and third actually respond! To this day I still have the memorabilia and the envelop that I received.


Most people that have finished radiation AND chemotherapy would want to rest and be around friends and family. However, Jim Kelly had a football camp to participate in. I can’t imagine how difficult it was to of battled what he did, lose 50+lbs, and than have the energy to be at a football camp.

 “If you say you’re going to be there, you be there” ~ Jim Kelly

This is something that I feel that many people are lacking now a days. Commitment, there seems to ALWAYS be an excuse whether it be for fitness or even just basic accountability but like Jim Kelly said,  “If you say you’re going to be there, you be there”.  

This just shows you the type of person that Jim Kelly has always been. He showed this to my younger self while he was becoming an NFL Hall of Famer and he’s showing the same to the younger generation while battling cancer.

Stay #KellyTough

Team Fusion Trained 

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