Fusion Performance Training

Fix That Breath!

how to fix bad breath

Being a personal trainer in NYC I’m around people all day, from training to commuting in the subways. And today was probably one of those bad  new york city commuting days- stuffed in the train, standing face to face with a mouther breather that has some stank breath! While I’m sure this person won’t be reading this, writing this post will at least make feel some what better that I’ve done my part on hopefully preventing others from going through this. :p

So let’s jump into it!

Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath can be caused through many things such as:

How to Fix Bad Breath

The basic principles to keep your breath nice and minty is to keep it clean and moist. Here are few tips to hopefully keep your personal training clients and fellow NYC commuters happy and sane 😛

Brush Your Teeth and Floss DAILY

The combination (brushing and flossing) helps remove food particles between teeth that would otherwise remain and promote bacterial growth around the gums, between teeth, and on the tongue. Therefore, it’s recommended to brush at least twice a day and floss once- in the morning and at a night time. Keep in mind that it’s highly recommenced that you should wait at least 30 minutes after eating before you brush your teeth. The time past will give your saliva a chance to neutralize the acid and prevent softening the enamel.

I recommend the “Sonicare Tooth Brush”. Trust me, it’s not any ordinary tooth brush, give it a shot and you’ll seriously feel a big difference.


Drinking water helps prevent your mouth from being dry and helps wash down odor causing bacteria and food particles. Not only does hydrating help prevent bad breath but it also helps you lose weight, feel better, and look better!

Chew Gum

As we talked about, we want to keep stimulating saliva to help flush out the bacteria, chewing gum can help with this. Gum thats have REAL natural ingredients such as cinnamon, peppermint, and spearmint oils are found to be the most effective for dealing with bad breath bacteria.

Mouth Wash

Surprsingly the mouth wash is as highly touted as the marketing commerials may state. Mouth wash seems to only temporarily relieve bad breath- brushing your teeth, flossing, and hydrating does a much better long term job. With that said though, mouth wash can help add protection against cavities, periodontal disease, and protect your toot enamel.

Final Thoughts


Keep in mind that these are just tips to help fight off bad breath and does not replace what any DDC will recommend. In the mean time give it a shot and hopefully the next time you talk to someone they won’t pass out :p.

P.S. it’s recommended that you goto the dentist every 6 months for regular cleanings.

Keep that breath fresh!

Team Fusion Trained

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