Fusion Performance Training

Do You Have What It Takes?

nyc personal training

Photo courtesy of roggilde

We live in a fast paced world where people expect immediate fixes EASILY…unfortunately this mentality is all too common in the fitness industry. It also doesn’t help that the media is always pushing out BS articles that “deliver” faster results with less work…Oy vey 

Hard Work

Despite all the media hype, hard work is part of fitness, that’s a fact. If it wasn’t every meatball in the gym would look like Arnold and that would just be plain ridiculous…If you want to gain muscle, excel in sports, get lean, or whatever it is,  it takes hard work. This mentality is starting to stray away from the fitness field, with all the marketing and quick fix schemes we forget the simple method of~ plain old HARD WORK.

“But I Work Hard!”

Many people believe that they work hard because they sweat, sore, or whatever validation they have. But when you’re asked to push the intensity beyond your comfort level, when you’re gasping for that last breath of air before a high rep squat, when your legs are like jello during the conditioning test, do you push through or do walk away and say “I can’t”? Are you the one that’s walking on the sideline as the rest of your teammates are pushing through their upper limits?

The next time you go to the gym to train or are practicing with your team, ask yourself “am I TRULY giving it your all or am I holding back?” I’m sure if you were honest with yourself you’d say that you have a little more gas to burn.

As for Coaches and personal trainers, sometimes we need to throw out the science behind things and just push the conditioning to increase our athletes or fitness clients tolerance for intensity, toughen them up a bit. Now I’m not saying to drop them dead on their feet, what I am saying is that it’s good to give a little kick in the ass once in a while…:)

That’s all for my little rant today.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion

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