Fusion Performance Training

How to Choose a Gym in NYC

NYC Personal Trainer

Choosing a gym in NYC is a difficult task to take on, especially since there are so many gyms to choose from. Being a personal trainer in Manhattan, I figured I’d give you a little inside scoop and hopefully help you narrow down your selection. So let’s jump into it.



One of the first things you should try to figure out is where you’ll be training from. Most people in NYC like to train right before work, so it maybe best to look for a gym near your office. But if you’re on the constant move a gym that has many satellite locations will probably fit your needs best. Figure out your weekly workout schedule and then decides from there.



Cleanliness is a sign of how the facility is managed. If the lockers rooms constantly stink, the gym has dusty fans that are few inches thick, no sanitation wipes, etc… then you probably should train else where. Unkept gyms can spread all different types of gross bacteria that could infect an open wound and viruses that could cause plantar warts. It’s even worse if the unkept gym has a sauna, which is a hot bed for microbes. To make it even worse, the gym air quality will more than likely be awful, so if you have any respiratory or allergy issues make sure to place that on your check list when choosing your gym in NYC.



A lot of gym personal trainers and salesman have the pushy sales man reputation. If the potential gym has this type of policy where the personal trainer and sales person is trying to hard sell you or constantly harassing you, you should walk away from this type of environment immediately.



The choice of your gym should also be based on what type of equipment you’ll be using. Your goals will determine this, meaning if you’re a runner then clearly the quantity of treadmills will be key. If you like to squat,make sure that the gym has a squat rack and that the staff is ok with you lifting heavy weights. I know, it sounds weird, but trust me many uneducated personal trainers and gym staff members freak out about lifting weights.

You’ll also want to go in a different times to see when the gym is busy and if the equipment is readily available too. If the gym equipment isn’t available during the hours you need to head in, then clearly this isn’t the gym for you. This is why it’s important to do a week or two week pass before you sign up, the gym should do this for free. If they don’t, I would address the concern and the salesman should not have an issue with your request.



Make sure to check with the gym rules. Is it okay to bring chalk, deadlift, let out a little grunt, or even do a circuit style workout? Again, sounds weird but I was actually asked to leave for doing a dumbbell circuit…no joke. This is something you should flat out ask off the bat to avoid any issues down the road. I would also make sure that it’s written into your contract so that there is no dispute.


New York City gym costs widely vary from $40-$500 a month it all depends on the type of gym you want. With that said if you’re going to the gym just to run on the treadmill, do a little light weightlifting, then head home you should look into the simple gym. There isn’t a need to pay for the high dollar amount for the extra amenities if you’re not going to use them.

Make sure to also read the fine print, especially when it comes to cancellations, they may have clauses asking for you to send a certified mail to cancel 30 days in advance. I’ve also seen bull shit statements like “bi-annual maintenance fees”, this is to help with the upkeep? Anyways the point is that you should make sure to read all the fine print and ensure you understand everything before you sign anything at all, despite what they may verbally tell you it means nothing unless it’s written.



If you’re into classes, make sure to check out the time the classes are offered. Say you work late at night, like most in NYC, yet the gym only offers classes from 7-10am, 4-6pm… then you’re going to be in trouble. When you do find a class that does fit, make sure to check out how quickly it books up. Finally double check the weekends, some gyms in Manhattan (especially in mid-town) may not offer classes or even be closed.



Amenities such as a pool, sauna, massage, laundry for gym clothes, etc… are some beneficial luxuries that may make your life easier. I know for many of my NYC personal training clients having to carry a gym bag from meeting to meeting starts to become a big hassle, so having a gym that offers a secure locker and laundry is very helpful. And if you’re feeling beat up having a masseuse in house to book right after your training session is always a nice convenience too.

Operation Hours

Gym hours are very key to look at. If the gym closes on holidays, closes early, doesn’t have weekend hours etc… should play a big impact on choosing a gym in NYC. The gym of your choice should fit with your lifestyle, for example if you like to workout late at night then you should try to find a late night gym or a 24/7 gym, surprisingly New York City offers many of these. Keep in mind that some gyms, especially ones in midtown have odd hours to accommodate the needs of the neighborhood. This would explain why a few are closed on the weekends and close early during the weekdays (9pm).

Gym Culture


*”you’re going to break the weights”????

Each gym has it’s own culture, this may mean that some members don’t like loud music, lifting heavy weights, and using chalk. From the gym staff culture, they may be pushy salesman and constantly hound you for personal training packages or supplement sales. Whatever the culture is within the gym, just make sure that you feel comfortable training in it and that any concerns you may have are addressed.

What do you want?

When choosing a gym in NYC make sure to create a check list of what you want and then figure out which gym works best for you. Make sure to at least do a free week trial before you join in, as the one workout isn’t enough to base your decision off of. I would also create a simple check list that covers over the topics above and anything that is specific to your needs before you head into potential gym.

Good luck on your hunt for a NYC gym and if you have any questions or things to add on make sure to leave a comment below!

Train smart,

Team Fusion Trained

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