Fusion Performance Training

Change Your Protein Powder

NYC Strength and Conditioning

Photo by Congvo

Being a NYC personal trainer I deal with a lot of weight-loss and “physique transformation” clients, inevitable the hot topic generally comes to protein powder. Even with my sports performance training athletes they ask the common question, “what type of protein should I take?”

Whey Protein

The most commonly used protein is “Whey”, a dairy based protein. Unfortunately many people are lactose intolerant so whey protein may cause some stomach issues. One of these issues is inflammation within the stomach and intestines, which can potentially limit your total absorption rate AND the dreaded protein farts:

Bad timing for Missy… but she’s a tough ass girl, so a little ‘poot’ didn’t distract her…and props to her coach who was dedicated enough to stand unfazed in the heat zone! Stronger man than I…

Plant Based Protein

If you have the symptoms, you may want to switch out your protein to a plant based protein. I’m fond of the “Vega One” protein blend, it not only is a plant based protein, but it also has:

Being a NYC in-home personal trainer, I’m fixated on efficiency. I can’t constantly keep refilling little baggies of protein up and I can’t afford the travel bag space for multiple bottle of protein shakers. This is where the “VegaOne” to go packets come into play.

Vega One To Go Packet

It makes it so simple to use in between personal training sessions or meetings that there is no excuse to not take in your protein.

Train Smart,

Team Fusion Trained

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