Fusion Performance Training

Anatomy Seminar Worth It?

NYC Personal Training

Photo by brain_blogger

There’s been a huge influx of personal trainers fixated on anatomy, to the point that many are going to cadaver seminars. From the education perspective it’s great, from the performance training and personal training probably not. Now before you get your panties in a bunch and turn internet bad ass on me, hear me out.

As Sports Performance Coaches and Personal Trainers, we have very limited time to go to seminars so we need to make the tough decision on what’s “in” vs. what actually useful. Personal trainers/Performance coaches go to these continuing education events to better their athletes and clients (for the most part). With that said, if you have a pretty strong understanding of anatomy and mainly train healthy clients or athletes, is there a need to work on a cadaver? Would your time be better spent building on other aspects of your skill sets?

For myself I found that video seminars such as the Anatomy Trains information has been very informative without having to pay the few thousand $$$ for a cadaver dissection. While I also found the anatomy trains information very informative, it also does not relate to 95% of my clientele. This is why I came to the conclusion that those type of seminars probably are not in my interest as of now.  Bottom line, don’t fall into the fitness band wagon and follow suite, especially if it’s not something that will benefit you.

Before you lay down your hard earned money, make sure that whatever seminar you decide to go to that it is applicable and will benefit your clients AND your training skills. If you can answer yes to that, than the seminar is well worth it.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion

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