Fusion Performance Training

5 Fitness Books YOU Should be Reading

Book are an integral part to developing yourself as a personal trainer or performance Coach. While there are MANY books that have developed as a fitness professional, these 5 come to mind:

“Warrior Cardio” by Martin Rooney

This is a great book for anyone from beginner to experienced trainers and Coaches that goes over a crap ton of variation exercises from body weight, dumbbells, barbells, sleds, kettlebells, ropes, treadmill etc…

It’ll give you some creative spice to add to your conditioning or even your spark some old exercises you forgot for you auxiliary work.

“Coach’s Strength Training Playbook” Joe Kenn

If you’re new to training and/or Coaching, you need to get this book. When I was first starting off, programming was very difficult for me. There just were too many paths to go, but Coach Kenn’s Tier system (his programming from the book) helped guide me and from there everything just became so simplistic.

“High Powered Plyometrics” James Radcliffe

If you had any questions about plyometric, this is the book for you.  Coach Radcliffe goes into pretty every detail about plyometrics from stretch shortening cycle, judging readiness, equipment use, the premise of plyometrics etc…

“Facts and Fallacies of Fitness” Mel Siff

Mel Siff wrote a great book that goes over just what the title says “Facts and Fallacies of Fitness”. It’s a great reference book to look back on that is made of a bunch of short chapters.

*This is a hard book to get a hold of, so if you see it for sale, I’d jump on it!

“Special Strength Training: Manual For Coaches” Dr. Verkhoshansky

This is a more “Advanced” book, but worth getting. Dr. Verkhoshansky- aka “The God-Father of Plyometrics” wrote a great book that goes over many special strength-training methods and programs for various sports.

*I would NOT recommend this book for those that do not have a strong base knowledge with programming, speed/plyometric mechanics, and energy system development.


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