Fusion Performance Training

3 Fitness Clothing Discounts for Fitness Professionals

NYC Personal Training

I’ve previously talked about some tip for personal trainers hygiene here and some tips for NYC personal trainers to stay dry. So thought it’ll also be beneficial for other personal trainers to know about some discounts we get for being fitness professionals i.e. Personal Trainers, Strength and Conditioning Coaches, and Sport Performance Coaches.

Adidas 3si

Adidas created a site to give trainers and fitness pros a discount on select clothing, shoes, and accessories. You can even get the AdiPower Weightlifting shoes for $129.50 vs. retail at $200.

To gain access, you’ll just need to show that you’re a personal trainer or fitness pro via website profile or trainer certification.

Site: http://www.adidas3si.com/

New Balance Pro F.I.T

New balance gives you full access to their full website with discounts up to 30% off. You’ll just need to sign in with your Pro F.I.T id and you’ll see the discount reflected.

To gain access you’ll need to goto the New Balance Pro F.I.T site (link below) and fill out the application. Simple as that!

Site: http://www.newbalance.com/Pro-F.I.T/pro_fit,default,pg.html

LuLu Lemon

LuLu Lemon offers a 15% discount (in-store only) to be a part of the “team research and development program”. While LuLu lemon is more geared toward yoga and pilates instructors, they have some quality stuff for NYC personal trainers too, like their book bag. Which is great for traveling around NYC and has a waterproof cover for those rainy days.


While it’s all good to be wearing athletic apparel, personal trainers (IMO) should spent a few extra dollars to have their custom t’s that brand themselves. Later I’ll talk about a few lost cost shirts that I’ve found to be great for Fusion and our clients.

“Train hard, Train Smart” ~ Fusion Trained

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