Fusion Performance Training

3 BASIC Industry Personal Training Tips Part 1

Sports Performance Training NYC

Photo Flikr-Jarnott

This post isn’t about fitness tips or about how trainers need to fully educate themselves, go to seminars, do site visits or what have you. It’s also not about how squats are so amazing for you that it pretty much cures anything. It’s about basic professionalism that surprisingly enough needs to be stated, despite how stupidly simple they are…So let’s jump to it, the first and most important thing in my book is:


It’s clear that in this field you’re in the service industry and you’ll obviously be working closely with your clientele, so hygiene is pretty important. Yet I’ve had to train side by side with pungent personal trainers…it’s to the point that this trainer had a radius of shit smell. While we New Yorkers are used to all types of stenches, it’s another to be huffing and puffing, gasping for air to suck in the smell of:

Common sense says that if you’ve worked out and you generally stink you NEED to shower or at the bare minimum dry off and change your clothes, this includes your shorts. It’s especially important if you have to take a second whiff of your clothes than you should probably shower up….and please use clean clothes AND deodorant.

Brush, Floss, and Rinse

We’ve all had bad breathe once in a while but as stated above personal training is “PERSONAL” so you’ll clearly be talking to people all day. Flossing is very important for overall dental health and can be a huge benefit to your bad breathe, plus who wants day old food stuck between their teeth?

Here are some basic benefits:


Outside of just flossing, obviously you should be brushing your teeth and rinsing/gargling to help clean out all that bacteria in the mouth. I sound like a Mom…


Photo from Flikr- Passiveaggressivenotes

Wash your hands

While this goes with hygiene, I believe it’s an offense that needs to be clearly dealt with.

If you use the bathroom and work with people, you should probably was your hands, if you’re sick, it maybe a good idea to wash your hands, if you just wiped your butt…maybe a good idea to THOROUGHLY wash your hands of poop residue. You’d think this would be all common sense for anyone, especially those that work within the fitness industry.

So to conclude kindergarten 101, shower, brush your teeth, and wash your hands.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion


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