Personal Training Info You Should Read


nyc personal training eduction

Today’s a quick one for you guys but still great reads especially for personal trainers and fitness enthusiasts.

All About the Front Squat

With all the craze about squatting now a days, I thought bringing back this older post would be a great read for those that are interesting in front squatting.


Sleep, Stress, and Salmon

 Personal Training Info You Should Read

A really great read on balancing your stress and knowing when to back down a bit.

Here’s quick glimpse:

“Studies on elite performers like Olympic athletes and Navy SEALs show that their peak performance isn’t just from hard work or mental toughness.

Top performance — sustained top performance — comes from recovery.  Realrecovery. Something which few of us truly enjoy

Modern life means that most of us live in the gray zone. We’re never engaged in a single task, and we’re never disengaged in something rejuvenating.

We browse news and check instant messages while working. We glance at incoming emails on our phone during dinner.

That’s where I was in 2009.”


Farewell to Gluten Free

Personal Training Info You Should Read

While this is an opinion piece I believe there are many great points in here. One of the biggest is that “glute free” or “natural” does NOT equate to healthy food despite the common foods like “gluten free pizza” and so on constantly popping up. It also has great quotes like:

‘People treat food like religion, it’s really strange’

This is definitely worth a read and hopefully will develop some great dialogue with your personal trainer, strength coaches, and colleagues.


Fitness Android Application

*Make sure to download our Fusion Performance Training fitness application to get the latest blog post straight to your Android phone. To download the best NYC personal training blog application 🙂 click HERE*

That’s it for today,

Train smart,

Team Fusion Trained


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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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